Suicide Squad Trailer 2 Breakdown: 28 Things You Must See

1. Back To The Bar

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Warner Bros.

The trailer ends with another look at the bar scene, with each member of the squad (or at least the surviving ones - where's Slipknot, where's Flag, where's the rest of the strike force?) ordering their beverage of choice...

Beer for Killer Croc.

Suicide Squad Killer Croc Beer.jpg
Warner Bros.

Whiskey for Katana.

Suicide Squad Katana Whiskey.jpg
Warner Bros.

And for both Deadshot and Captain Boomerang.

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Warner Bros.

An inevitably cartoonish cocktail for Harley, who plays bartender (presumably showing off her skills from working in Joker's club)...

Suicide Squad Harley Quinn Pour.jpg
Warner Bros.

And just water for El Diablo...

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Warner Bros.

Which Harley proclaims a "great idea"...

Suicide Squad Harley Good Idea.jpg
Warner Bros.

What were your favourite moments in the Suicide Squad trailer.


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