Suicide Squad Reviews: 10 Things We Learned About The Joker

6. He's An Annoying Presence

Joker Haha

It would be foolish - and unfair - to suggest that everyone loves Leto's performance. The NY Times are quite frank about his dynamic on screen:

"His nemesis the Joker is a more frequent and annoying presence, played as a preening, pimpish sociopath by Jared Leto."

FilmDrunk seem to share the sentiment:

"His line reads are so overwrought and obnoxious that you kind of want him to fall down a flight of stairs, or at least give back his Oscar, but he’s also basically this movie’s flailing drama kid id. (Incidentally, Margot Robbie is brilliant, and her tone-perfect acting just makes Leto’s seem worse by comparison)."

NewRepublic go a little further still:

"His Joker is a nightmare—in a bad way. His lame poses and frantic giggling are meant to convey madness, but they more accurately convey the nervousness of a man who realizes his performance isn’t working, and there’s no one there to stop or help him."

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.