Suicide Squad Trailer Breakdown: 45 Things You Need To See

18. Enchantress In The White House?!

Easily the oddest shot of the trailer, since Enchantress doesn't appear to be killing everyone: she's instead apparently appealing to the government to "do something". Notice the guy in the background isn't exactly terrified. Maybe she's appealing to the government to take down Suicide Squad? They after all aren't entirely in on the deal, so it might make sense for them to accidentally unleash hell in an attempt to limit the damage done by the Squad. The important line to remember in line with that theory is this:
"Guy shoots people. He's a crocodile, and he eats people. Burns people. You're possessed by a witch. And she's just crazy."
The perfect summary, but notice the "you're" as if she's somehow the team's spokesperson. Very strange.

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