Sundance 2022: 20 Films You Need To Know About

19. Dual

Emily The Criminal Aubrey Plaza
RLJE Films

A devilishly inventive sci-fi thriller from rising director Riley Stearns (The Art of Self-Defense), Dual revolves around a woman, Sarah (Karen Gillan), who learns she's suffering from a terminal illness, and so has herself cloned to spare her loved ones the pain of grieving her.

But when she's suddenly cured, Sarah is forced to duke it out in a fight to the death with her clone to determine which one of them earns the right to live.

It's a deliciously effed-up premise and one lent an outrageously darkly comedic treatment by Stearns. Karen Gillian gives it her all in the dual role, while Aaron Paul provides mighty support as her oddball trainer for the battle ahead.

As brutally funny as it is just straight-up brutal, Dual is sure to be one of 2022's most unforgettable genre films.

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Aubrey Plaza
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.