3. Batman, Robin & Batgirl - Batman & Robin (1997)
The obvious candidate. Without repeating the qualms of any and all previous fans and critics alike, there is little to be said of this entry aside from: what exactly were the costume department thinking when they pencilled in this one? It does beggar belief, though someone, at least, thought it to be a good idea. In truth, the suits merely epitomised what was a badly produced Batman film. However, the unwarranted addition of nipples and codpieces altered Batman from the Dark Knight we know and respect, to a bondage lover's wet dream. George Clooney has since admitted that the film wasn't his finest hour as an actor, though, is it any wonder? Even the most open-minded of fans would struggle to feel at ease when wearing this suit. Yet the magnitude of this disastrous inclusion may be lost with hindsight. It is easy to forgive
Batman & Robin as just 'the Batman film that didn't work'. Though, prior to Christopher Nolan's epic masterpiece, there were many who credited this film with the death of the franchise. Fortunately, Nolan reinvigorated the genre in the same manner in which Burton had, meaning Gotham lived happily ever after. That is, until the next Joel Schumacher arrives ...