Superman Batman Movie: 10 Reasons Batman Would Definitely Beat Superman

9. Allies

Nightwing header Throughout the years, Batman has rarely traveled or fought alone. Often he has one of his many iterations of Robin, the boy wonder accompanying him. Be it Nightwing, Catwoman, Huntress or otherwise, the bat has taken a lot of people under his wing, as his protege or partner. While obviously Batman couldn't rely on such a figure to beat Superman, his allies are a valuable resource he could use against the Man of Steel. After all, the idea of Batman being this heightened human character is that he'll use every possible resource in order to execute a plan, to dissect a threat. His highly trained team of wards, and allies are certainly a tool to be used. An agile ally like Robin for example could distract, and evade Superman deftly with feats of agility, while Batman sets a trap. Nightwing could probably face the Man of Steel head on with his martial arts expertise, and masterful use of the bo-staff. In summary, bats rarely come alone.

Sam is an experienced Film, Gaming and Wrestling writer, critic and journalist who was written for a vast number of different entertainment websites. Follow him on twitter at @Sams_Reel_Views.