Superman Vs Batman Movie: One Way To Make Batman Interesting

Batman The Dark Knight Returns Batman Vs Superman There is one way they could do it. One way which I believe will make Batman interesting in this film and capture the attention of many fans. The option they could choose, is to make Bruce Wayne old. Now I'm not talking Christian Bale The Dark Knight Rises old, where he was probably in his late thirties and had a really weird depression beard. I'm talking 1986's The Dark Knight Returns old, where he is in his mid-fifties. It would make it a more intriguing story, it's something we have never seen on the big screen, since Superman vs Batman is something we have never seen on the big screen, why not go another step and add another piece of originality to the film? An older Bruce Wayne opens the door to a treasure room of story possibilities for this film. Of course, the obvious element to add is that Wayne has retired from being Batman, so the film would involve him coming out of retirement. The writers could also touch on Wayne being an alcoholic, that is also another story element from The Dark Knight Returns. I would like them to incorporate the fact that this old Bruce Wayne is really unfit, in the sense that he's not as strong as he was, he can't take as many beatings and maybe he's even put on a bit of weight, I would like them to go into more detail than The Dark Knight Rises did, because there they gave him a magic knee brace and that was the problem solved, it was just a quick fix, nothing much to it. If they made Bruce Wayne old, then they write in a major advantage for Batman, and that advantage would be experience. Sure he doesn't have all those superpowers, but experience is a very powerful ally. If he is old and can't fight as much, we could see him rely more on his gadgets and machines. We could see him use the Tank which appeared in The Dark Knight Returns, and hopefully see him use the powerful suit which he used in his fight against Superman, again that was in The Dark Knight Returns. I'm not saying they should take everything from The Dark Knight Returns, but if they were going to have an old Bruce Wayne in Superman vs Batman, it would be the perfect place to take story ideas from. I wouldn't mind if they went for an younger more handsome actor, as long as he's perfect for the role I don't mind, but i would be really angry if they cast Joseph Gordon-Levitt and continued Nolan's story. What are your thoughts on this, do you want Joseph Gordon-Levitt to come back? Do you want a new handsome young actor? or would you like to see an older Bruce Wayne? Tell me in the comments below.
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