Superman will be fighting Lex Luthor and...

Brainiac? Who knows? Michael Dougherty, the co-writer of the next Superman movie has revealed what we already guessed before, that their will be two villains in The Man of Steel, one of which we already know will be Kevin Spacey again as Lex Luthor. Although sounding a little hesitant on the topic, he also reassured us that the sequel will be out by the summer of 2009, which probably just goes to show that Warner Brothers don't even know what Bryan Singer wants to do. You can read the comments at The Planet Forum found through Coming Soon. Whoever the villain is, it has to be a kick ass alien hell bent on killing Superman and not neccesarily taking over the world. He has to be someone who comes off as being unstoppable and not some 'business suit' villain'. We need more action, less romance and less of Lois Lane for a change. Let's pray the second villain of the piece won't once again be Bryan Singer.


Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.