SXSW 2022: 20 Movies You Need To Know About

19. I Love My Dad

Spin Me Round
Burn Later Productions

Winner of the festival's Grand Jury Prize this year was James Morosini's exceptional comedy I Love My Dad, which also happens to boast perhaps the looniest premise of any film that played the fest.

Without giving too much away, Patton Oswalt stars as Chuck, a man who catfishes his own depressed adult son Franklin (Morosini) into believing he's a beautiful waitress (Claudia Sulewski).

It might sound like the setup for a broad, wacky comedy, but writer-director-star Morosini has a firm handle on the tone of his story, which believe it or not was inexplicably inspired by true events.

Morosini manages to mine the ridiculous premise for dark laughs but never gets away from the real story at the core: a father's desperation to reconnect with his son.

I Love My Dad is currently seeking distribution.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.