Sylvain White helming Frank Miller's Ronin?

br-Ronin.jpgWho? That's exactly my reaction on hearing the news too! Just checked the trusty IMDB, and White is the guy who directed the recent #1 blockbuster hit Stomp the Yard and he made the recent straight to dvd sequel I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer. So with that filmography, how on earth has been managed to get the Ronin gig? Blackfilm through IESB interviewed the guy himself.... "After doing "Stomp The Yard", a nice commercial dance drama and for what it is, it's excellent and that's why it's doing well with the public". I don't think he can quite believe he has got the job himself. Look closely at his comment... "for what it is, it's excellent". So your basically saying it's really a load of mindless crap, but because it's excellent and doing so, it's fine! Onto Ronin then, and for those that don't know what the hell it is, here is a bit more info from IESB... Ronin tells the tale of a dishonored 13th-century samurai who is reborn in a corrupt and computerized 21st century New York with one last chance for redemption. His quest takes him through the violent Manhatten netherworld, and brings him face-to-face with passion, betrayal, murder... and the reincarnation of his sworn enemy, the ancient demon Agat. I've never read the book myself, but I certainly know of it. The problem with it, as far as I can see is that it's not all that easy to adapt or pin down to a certain genre. Sin City was always going to work on screen because it's blatantly film noir but something like Ronin is a little more difficult. White has a really tough job on his hands here and it's incredible that he has been given such a big job like this, but if he messes up here.... he may never be able to recover. You can read a very interesting interview with the guy at Blackfilm by clicking here. source - iesb, blackfilm

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.