Sylvester Stallone: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

1. Sgt. Joe Bomowski - Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot (1992)

stallone - stop

If you haven€™t seen this film, close your Internet browser now, shut down the computer, smash the computer into a thousand pieces, and put the remains in a bath of acid, oh and cancel your broadband just in case, because even me telling you a few short details will make your life just that little bit worse. Stallone is cop Joseph Bomowski whose doddery elderly mother comes to stay with him. But, and you€™ll never believe this, she starts interfering in his cases with hilarious results. Yes, a €˜Stallone comedy€™, two words that go together as well as €˜peaches€™ and €˜anthrax€™. And it climaxes, you€™ll never guess, with Joe shouting the title of the film. It feels like they shot the film and then wrote a script afterwards. The characters aren€™t so much badly drawn, as scribbled on a back of a cereal box with a crayon made out of earwax, by a gibbon. I€™m sorry if this sounds like I€™m going over the top, but I€™m hoping I can save at least one of you from enduring 88 minutes of this utter tosh. €œOne of the worst films in the entire solar system...a flatworm could write a better some countries running the movie on TV has lowered the birth rate to zero€ said the highly perceptive, yep you€™ve guessed it, Sylvester Stallone. Sly is probably the only one who found the film funny, but that€™s because it took a shedload at the box office €“ the very definition of a bad joke. I feel dirty having just written these last 5, so let me know below your choices or thoughts below, and we'll treat it as some form of group therapy.

I'm a Westcountry exile now living in Yorkshire with lovely wife and cats (also lovely). I'm a big fan of films, robots, timetravel, and films about timetravelling robots, as well as lots of other action, sci-fi and comedy. I'm currently trying to write a sitcom that doesn't involve robots, and I also blog nonsense on Thanks for taking the time to read my stuff, and feel free to comment.