Thanos: 12 Awesome Abilities To Look Out For In The MCU

4. Telekinesis

Marvel ComicsMarvel ComicsA rarely used power of Thanos' is the basic ability to move or hold in place objects without actually touching them. Granted, it might not be outright telekinesis in its purest form - it may be more of a by-product of Thanos' ability to manipulate energy and matter - but he has certainly used it for the most simple of its purposes, such as holding enemies in place and lifting objects using only his mind. It's probably the most unlikely of Thanos' abilities to be shown in the Marvel Cinematic Universe but, given that it would appear Scarlet Witch is going to possess telekinesis in said franchise, it is certainly plausible that Thanos might display a similar power to prove that he has a counter to everything the Avengers have to offer (even without the Infinity Gauntlet).

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.