EONThe James Bond films feature some of cinema's most iconic villains, often showcasing supposedly hyper-intelligent individuals who have used their superior wits for bad rather than good. As such they're never short of an elaborate weapon or urbane monologue with which to confound 007. However they're also capable of being spectacularly bone-headed in their villainy. They always allowing our hero an extra minute in which to escape or informing him of exactly what they plan to do. Much of this is to do with the expectations of cinema audiences and convention. A Bond villain has to have a curious mix of attributes that enable him to imperil the secret agent. He then becomes a bumbling idiot, leaving Bond free to bring the film to a happy conclusion. Over the years we've seen the likes of Dr No, Blofeld, Scaramanga and Le Chiffre attempt to end Bond's illustrious career on Her Majesty's Secret Service. The plans they've concocted to see off our hero have often been ingenious to the point of being convoluted. However more than occasionally Bond's adversaries have allowed plot necessity to cross the line into outright idiocy. Here are some of the dastardly dimwits that have come up against Bond only to find that they're two Quantums short of a Solace.