The Amazing Spider-Man 2: 10 Mistakes To Avoid

4. Keep Peter Geeky

Peter Parker has some defining characteristics: he's a scrawny/geeky guy whose passions are science and photography (besides blondes and redheads). Granted, geekiness has changed over the years, but as long as you lock those twin passions in, you're set. The Amazing Spider-Man went all in on Peter's love for science, and it was a key role in how he and Dr. Connors ended up the way they did. His scientific curiosity cracked (at least, temporarily) the genetic gap between lizards and humans so the limb regeneration formula could work. Peter even studied up on his own time to work out the formulas, using texts and notes he found from his father. The photography, on the other hand, wasn't so fleshed out. People even intimated that the reason a kid like Peter would use a camera with film these days was because of his hipster-esque image. We as fans know that's not the case, but those less informed will think it's just some sort of hipster edge to a classic character they're just getting introduced to. I get it..."geek is chic" these days, and this has lead to the rise of the hipster sex symbol. But Peter Parker isn't that type of guy: he's a genuine, honest, un-ironic kid with a huge hero complex. He's the weakling who understands the true value of power when he gets it, much like Steve Rogers before him. Is he a smart alec? Sure, but that doesn't mix with geekiness to automatically turn him into a hipster. Keep Peter geeky, but walk the line carefully.

Mike Reyes may or may not be a Time Lord, but he's definitely the Doctor Who editor here at What Culture. In addition to his work at What Culture, Mr. Reyes writes for Cocktails and Movies, as well as his own personal blogs Mr. Controversy and The Bookish Kind. On top of that, he's also got a couple Short Stories and Novels in various states of completion, like any good writer worth their salt. He resides in New Jersey, and compiles his work from all publications on his Facebook page.