How confident are Columbia about next summer's
The Amazing Spider-Man? Extremely confident, clearly. Not only did they recently release
a surprising full length trailer for the film along with all the magazine cover ads and all the other expensive marketing stuff that goes along with it, trying to secure your cash early for a film that is still a year away... but they have also just gone and announced that it's sequel will come out May 2nd, 2014! Right now
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is the first blockbuster of 2014's summer and the move mirrors what Columbia did ten years away when they greenlit Sam Raimi's second Spider-Man movie before the first had even been released in cinema's. Back in March, writer
James Vanderbilt (Zodiac) who had scripted the forthcoming reboot was scheduled with the task of writing the sequel, the majority of which he had already outlined in blueprint form when Sony first asked him to reboot the Spider-Man franchise. Presumably Columbia are delighted with the script he has turned in and obviously with how the first film is shaping up. Bold move from Columbia but they are pitching their tent early ahead of Marvel and DC who have yet to announce their respective 2014 slates and putting their full backing into
Marc Webb's new web-slinging franchise, the first of which opens July 3rd, 2012 and stars
Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans, Denis Leary, Campbell Scott, Irrfan Khan, Martin Sheen and
Sally Field.