3. Hawkeye Needs More Screen Time & Character Development
Arguably the biggest criticism of the first Avengers movie was that Jeremy Renner's Hawkeye character was horrifically under-utilised. Having previously only appeared in a very brief cameo in Thor, he spent much of the heroic ensemble under Loki's control - fighting against the team he would eventually go on to be a part of. While he did get a few moments in the spotlight in the Battle of New York, audiences really didn't learn anything worthwhile about his character. To make things worse, he hasn't reappeared in any Marvel movie or television show since then, so he hasn't been fleshed out or developed at all. That simply must be rectified in Avengers: Age Of Ultron. His current titular book is arguably the best title out there and now would be the ideal time to capitalise on its success and make him a prominent character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.