With the release of the new trailer imminent (5pm GMT Time) and only two months to go until the release of Marvels much anticipated superhero mashup, The Avengers has undergone a last minute title change for its UK release and will now be known, over here at least, as Avengers Assemble. The unveiling of a
nifty new poster for the film yesterday revealed the title change, with several sources indicating that it is to avoid confusion with the 1960s television show of the same name or (God forbid) the 1998 adaptation starring Ralph Fiennes and Uma Thurman, but the less said about that the better. Im never a big fan when the studios undertake these title changes. I dont know about you, but for me Avengers Assemble sounds more like a Saturday morning cartoon than a multi million-dollar summer blockbuster that weve been waiting for since it was teased to us way back in 2008. But I guess these marketing bigwigs know what theyre doing as there may be those out there, of an older generation at least, that still recall Patrick McNee saving the world in a bowler hat, carrying an umbrella and drinking lots of tea instead of the epic likes of Iron Man and pals. Needless to say The Avengers will be assembling here in the UK on April 26 (thats a full week ahead of the US people) and stars Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Chris Hemsworth and Samuel L. Jackson.