The Ballad Of Buster Scruggs Review: 4 Ups & 4 Downs

3. It's Brutally Slow At Times

The Ballad Of Buster Scruggs Zoe Kazan

In addition to the wavering quality of the six stories, the pacing is all over the place, and makes the film a frequent chore to sit through at 133 minutes in length.

The two opening shorts last just 15 minutes a-piece but make the most of their scant time, while the next two are 20-minute slogs with minimal dialogue and glacial movement.

Even though the fifth short is closer in quality to the first two, its indecently long 40-minute run-time makes it a tougher sit than it probably should be.

Clearly editing is a major issue here, which is again surprising considering that the Coens edit their own movies and generally do a spectacular job of it.

Here, though, the film would be instantly improved by trimming the fat and upping the pace a little, because when a short drags here, it really drags.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.