The Banshees Of Inisherin Review: 9 Ups & 1 Down

5. Barry Keoghan & Kerry Condon Brilliantly Round Out The Ensemble

The Banshees of Inisherin
Searchlight Pictures

Beyond Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson, there are two other terrific, Oscar-worthy performances among the large ensemble cast worth singling out.

Barry Keoghan is excellent as Dominic, a seemingly dim-witted young man living on the titular Irish island, whose backstory harbours some deeply unsettling secrets which lend him an unexpected kinship with Pádraic.

Keoghan has cornered the market on playing young oddballs in recent years, and this is a role he was basically born to play, enough that her could very well net himself a Best Supporting Actor Oscar nod if the winds blow in his direction.

And finally we have Kerry Condon, who is outstanding as Pádraic's long-suffering sister Siobhán. She longs for a life beyond the island, yet anguishes at Pádraic's predicament and attempts to seek a resolution for all parties.

Though Siobhán is a sympathetic support system for her brother throughout the film, she also periodically explodes into fiery rage, and Condon clearly relishes each and every opportunity.

If Condon hasn't been courting quite the same buzz as the aforementioned actors so far, there's still plenty of time for an awards season groundswell.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.