The Batman: 10 Actors Who Could Play The Joker For Matt Reeves

2. Luke Evans

Anya Taylor-Joy Joker

In the comic books, The Joker has never really been a physical threat to Batman, and instead relies on his twisted mind to take the fight to the Dark Knight. There have been occasions he's pushed the hero to his limits, though, and that's something Matt Reeves could delve into by delivering a version of the character who can actually take the fight to Gotham City's Caped Crusader.

Whether it's as Gaston or in a movie like The Girl on the Train, Evans has proved that he doesn't struggle when it comes to playing a hateful bad guy, and that's a quality this Joker could benefit from.

Simply put, the Beauty and the Beast star is a physical specimen, so how much fun would it be to watch this Joker not only torment Batman, but also handily beat him in a fight? That may not sound faithful to the comic books, but it's clear that Reeves' vision for The Batman is every bit as grounded as Christopher Nolan's was.

As a result, giving someone like Evans a chance to play The Joker could lead to something amazing.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.