The Batman: 10 Best Gadgets

2. The Batmobile

The Batman
Warner Bros.

Unlike other Batmobiles from previous movies, Matt Reeve's Batmobile is more subdued as just a black retro muscle car modified to have tough armoring and the familiar jet rear exhaust that spits out fire.

The justification must be that in an even more realistic universe than that from The Dark Trilogy, Batman would not have access to a highly advanced tank, nor would it be practical for him to drive one in the mean streets of Gotham without being the center of attention. In this hyper-realistic world, a car that looks like an actual car must do.

Either case, this Batmobile has proven its cool factor and toughness in the movie's car chase, as Batman goes after The Penguin. Never have we seen the Batmobile be driven fast in a road full of moving cars that Batman has to navigate through to get to his target, giving this car chase a unique flavor from the previous movies.

In cinematic language, most of the chase is from The Penguin's perspective, so we do not see much close up on Batman's face in the interior of the car, giving the sense that The Batmobile is a relentless stalking spectre.

In a good move, for even more added realism, the rear exhaust needs an initial few seconds of revving up before the car can get a proper speed. It becomes an opportunity for The Batmobile to have a moment to intimidate the criminals who know they are about to become prey to an epic car chase.

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The Batman
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