The Batman: 10 Things Fans Demand

1. Finality

The Dark Knight Rises End

One of the (many) problems with Batman Vs Superman was the lack of any meaningful conclusion, the film mainly serving to set up Justice League and Wonder Woman. Part of reason why films such as The Dark Knight and Thor Ragnarok work so well is because of the clear end of each character’s arc, despite them being sequels. Even though Thor hints at the events of Avengers: Infinity War, the film wraps up very nicely and it, along with The Dark Knight, work in isolation.

DC could really do with a film that ends in this way as, other than Wonder Woman, no other DC film (since Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises) has finished satisfyingly, and a satisfying ending always improves people’s perception of a film. Obviously, Warner Bros. will want to set up sequels to this, but, as proven many times by the MCU, this is easily achievable.

So, Bat-fans, what do you want to see in Matt Reeves’ upcoming Batman film?


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!