The Batman: 10 Ways DC Can Make A New PERFECT Shared Universe

7. Don't Focus So Much On The Villains

Batgirl Batman
Warner Bros.

If there is any problem with the Batman movies (i.e Mask of the Phantasm is the ONLY one to circumvent this) it is that Batman is the least interesting guy in it - as all of the focus is usually placed on the one or two villains who show up to rustle Gotham's jimmies that week.

If WB wishes to make a Batman shared universe, the best thing that they can do is swallow their pride and ape just a teeney-tiny bit from Marvel and focus squarely on the hero for a change. Yes, this will inevitably result in the villains not hogging so much of the limelight, but frankly, who cares so long as you make the hero compelling?

This seems to be what they're trying to do in the upcoming Batman movie. After all, it's hard to make any villain stand out from the rest when there are six of the blighters for Bats to juggle at once. So hopefully this movie will remember that Batman is meant to be just as interesting as the foes he fights.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?