The Batman: 15 Details You Missed The First Time
The Riddler is hiding in plain sight early in the movie.

Matt Reeves' The Batman is such a dense, overwhelming experience that nobody could be blamed for missing the finer details on an initial viewing, especially with that epic three-hour runtime.
But with the film now available on streaming platforms around the world - a mere 45 days after its theatrical release, no less - fans are able to both rewatch the movie and pore over every last frame to their heart's content.
Like just about any superhero movie released these days, The Batman is jam-packed full of Easter eggs for only the most hardcore and eagle-eyed of fans to catch, as well as subtle references and foreshadowing only the World's Greatest Detective Himself would find.
And a repeat viewing of The Batman confirms just how much visual, aural, and narrative detail Reeves packed into every single shot and frame of his instant classic superhero movie.
There's no doubt that even more about the film will be revealed in the coming weeks and months as fans continue to make discoveries, but for now these are the 15 details you probably, and understandably, missed on that first sit...
15. Good Times Groceries

Right at the start of the movie, we see a convenience store being robbed by a "drophead" wearing a red jacket and distinctive, unsettling green drophead mask.
Pay close attention to the exterior shot of the store, though, and you might notice that it's called "Good Times Groceries," which is evidently a reference to Good Time, the acclaimed 2017 crime thriller starring none other than our new Batman, Robert Pattinson.
Moreover, director Matt Reeves stated that Good Time was the film that first put Pattinson on his radar as a possible Batman candidate, so it's fitting that it would receive a nod somewhere in the movie.
The wink actually goes one step further, though, as the red jacket worn by the drophead thief is also similar to the one Pattinson's character, Connie Nikas, wears in Good Time.