The Batman: 9 Things That Are Impossible If Ben Affleck Returns

8. A Believably Covert Bruce Wayne

Batman V Superman Bruce Wayne Barry Allen
Warner Bros.

There's a pretty big problem with Ben Affleck's take on Batman that was never a problem as long as Zack Snyder was controlling the stories he appears in. Thanks to the director's famed penchant for muscular masculine characters, he introduced Affleck's Batman as a hulking adonis, whose pro wrestling-size muscles would look glorious barely clad in rubber and spandex.

That worked, because Snyder didn't really have a great deal of time to focus on Bruce Wayne, and he needed to sell Batman as a big enough threat on his own to reasonably stand up to Superman. No complaints here, aside from the fact that there's absolutely no way anyone in Gotham City didn't immediately work out that Wayne was Batman by just looking at him.

There's obviously some suspension of disbelief when it comes to secret identities - let's call it the Clark Kent factor - but Bruce Wayne is supposed to blend in (despite being a billionaire). He has to be the least likely to be a superhero, precisely because everyone knows he's an aloof billionaire (which might as well be a red flag for superhero spotters): if he combines that with Hulk Hogan muscles, he might as well have his name emblazoned on the front of his Batsuit rather than the bat symbol.

Unfortunately, we're now too far gone, and while Affleck could shed some muscle, he's probably too much of a big guy in the first place.


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