The Batman: Ending Explained

The Batman 2022
YouTube/Warner Bros Pictures

Oh boy!

Paul Dano's work as Nashton/The Riddler is a standout performance from a movie crammed full of them. This serial-killing incarnation of the riddle-rich villain is seriously dark, and one scene shows that he's about to have an equally-as-sinister accomplice in the sequel.

Yes, yes it's The Joker. He's briefly shown/touched on when Riddler is in Arkham, and his cameo showing will have Joker fans punching the air in delight. Rest assured, it will, but what's coming next? There's just no way Reeves would introduce Batman's main antagonist here if he wasn't going to bring him back for the next film.

Get that out of your mind, because it's an impossibility.

The Joker will play a pivotal role in The Batman 2, and both he and Riddler will bust out of Arkham. That, in effect, means that Bruce Wayne will have three main villains to joust with in the future. The Penguin will be mega-powerful by then, Riddler even more psychotic and then there's Joker.

Oh, what fun Reeves is about to have with this one.

If you thought Batman Returns went nuts ("You want nuts? Let's get nuts!") with its rogues gallery, then you ain't seen nothing yet. The Batman 2 is finely poised to be an explosion of action-heavy set pieces, even more introspection for Bruce Wayne/Batman and psychological deep dives into some of the greatest movie baddies ever created.

Bring on Batman/Catwoman/Jim Gordon vs. Penguin/Riddler/Joker. That's a six-person tag-team match WWE would be proud of.

What did you think of The Batman's ending? For more content, 10 Reasons Why 2022 Is Already Wrestling's Most Insane Year EVER and 10 Wrestlers Whose Stock Has Risen The Most Since WWE WrestleMania 37!

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The Batman
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