The Batman: EVERY Major Rumour Ranked Worst To Best

4. ...And Josh Gad Might Play Him

Josh Gad The Penguin

The Rumour

A good while ago - even before a new Batman was even really mentioned - Josh Gad was linked to playing the Penguin after he said he would love to play the character. He apparently then met with Warner Bros to kick the rumour mill into overdrive.


A Penguin based on the Arkham games would be too simple (and rather lazy, to be honest), so we don't need a British version who's basically an aggressive gangster stereotype. The idea of something far less conventional is really quite appealing, particularly as Gad some previous with larger than life characters.

What he doesn't have - yet - is darkness in his screen persona, but then neither did Danny DeVito particularly. Or Heath Ledger. So it's not like this sort of gamble hasn't paid off before.

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The Batman
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