The Batman Trailer Breakdown: 20 Things You Must See

11. Batman Is On The WARPATH

The Batman 3
Warner Bros. Pictures

Whatever twisted goings-on are happening in this movie, Batman seems pretty damn pissed about them! Here he is seeking some answers from Penguin. Or rather, here he is threatening Penguin with a knuckle sandwich.

There are so many shots in this trailer of him just battering anyone who gets in his way. Being a young Batman and all, he's clearly still in that "punch first, ask questions later" phase, and perhaps he'll learn to control this rage as he becomes a more seasoned vigilante. Not in this movie of course, but in future sequels and spinoffs.

For now though, an angry Batman is a highly entertaining Batman.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.