The Batman Trailer Breakdown: 20 Things You Must See

1. Batman Takes Down Penguin

The Batman 3
Warner Bros. Pictures

One final silhouette shot to cap the trailer off, with Batman walking coolly towards a car-crashed Penguin, as a fire billows in the background.

Though he's relatively new on the scene, there's no doubt that this is an extremely capable Dark Knight, who's feared by Gotham's criminal scum. Just look at the terror on Penguin's face here - the poor guy looks like he's seen a ghost.

The Batman Colin Farrell Penguin
Warner Bros. Pictures

Batman uses a ton of brute force, sure - especially this one! But above all else, he should be a symbol of fear, and based on this trailer, it looks like Reeves and Pattinson have nailed both sides of the character.


And that's our breakdown of The Batman's main trailer! Here's a quick link in case you want to check it out for the millionth time.

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.