BOX OFFICE: The calm before the SPIDEY storm?

Slow weekend at the box office as everyone saves their money for SPIDEY.

disturbia-2.jpgThe end of April is always a slow time at the movies as the studio's are all waiting to release their summer tent pole movies, the first of which being Spider-Man 3 which is less than a week away now. This end of April weekend was the weakest in ten years, and down 23% from last year alone with the new releases hardly making an impact. The lack of movies of interest meant that Disturbia has first place for the third week running, even though it took home less than $10 million for the weekend. That movie has now made $52.2 million and credit really has to go to Paramount for the timing of their release, as if the movie had came out at a stronger box office time it would be the type of movie that would make very little impact. David Goyer's supernatural thriller The Invisible was pushed back to this release date but it hardly did the movie any favours, taking home only $7.6 million which remarkably still managed to get second place. The big name cast movie Next which I believe we all thought would top the charts for the weekend, took home a disastrous $7.2 million. Even though the trailer looked worse than horrid, Nicolas Cage has been a consistent favourite with audiences over the last couple of years but overkill for the actor might have been a factor here. After all, it was only a couple of months since Ghost Rider, and The Wicker Man/World Trade Center a few months before that. WWE Films "banker" movie The Condemned performed terribly and that should probably see the end of theatrical movies from the company (if they have any sense anyway). An awful $4 million return should signal to them that movies aren't their thing. 1 Disturbia (2007) $9.1M $52.2M 2 The Invisible (2007) $7.61M $7.61M 3 Next (2007) $7.2M $7.2M 4 Fracture (2007) $7.08M $21.3M 5 Blades of Glory (2007) $5.2M $108M 6 Meet the Robinsons (2007) $4.84M $88.4M 7 Hot Fuzz (2007) $4.78M $12.4M 8 Vacancy (2007) $4.2M $13.9M 9 The Condemned (2007) $3.8M $3.8M 10 Are We Done Yet? (2007) $3.4M $43.8M RELEASED NEXT WEEK SPIDER-MAN 3!!, Lucky You, Paris je t'aime (limited), The Flying Scotsman (limited), Waitress (limited), Away from Her (limited), Civic Duty (limited), The Treatment (limited) Thanks to Box Office Mojo for the info and IMDB for the charts.

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.