The Dark Knight Rises: 10 Reasons Why Catwoman MUST Get Spin-Off Film

9. Christopher Nolan Could Enhance TDKR

catwoman-chrisnolan Christopher Nolan isn't a perfect director because while there are certainly visionary directors and directors who are incredibly talented, it's impossible to have a perfect director whom everyone adores and worships. Nolan is both a visionary and very, very talented but there remain some flaws in Dark Knight Rises. One of the 'mistakes' (it's more a minor flaw to be honest) is that we simply don't get a chance to see Selina's world of its own accord, rather than through Bruce's eyes. Another, bigger one is that Selina just doesn't get a lot of actual screentime despite being a widely-publicised part of the film and one illiciting plenty of intrigue. To properly service Selina as a character, she needs more depth and time to show her own shades of grey, something a film based around Catwoman could easily do.

Leeds native, film fanatic, TV obsessive and relentless pop music fan. Sings off-key at any chance.