The Dark Knight Rises: 10 Things You Might Have Missed

3. Those Are Some Amazing Gauntlets

Evidently, Christopher Nolan is a huge fan of the sharp blades that protrude from Batman's gauntlets. First seen in action when worn by both Bruce and Ra's al Ghul in Batman Begins, they've served the Dark Knight more than most viewers probably realize. In fact, they've helped him defeat all three of the trilogy's main villains: Ra's, the Joker, and now Bane. In Batman Begins, Bruce catches his mentor's sword between his gauntlets and shatters it, giving him the upper hand in the fight. When Joker has Batman pinned beneath a steel beam in The Dark Knight, it's again the gauntlet blades that shoot the clown prince in the face and give our hero an opportunity to free himself. Finally, in Rises, Batman uses his gauntlets to sever Bane's anesthetic tubes and put him into immense pain, giving him an advantage in the fight.

When he isn't napping, Josh can be found enjoying a wide variety of films or writing code. He also spends time throwing his opinions around here at What Culture! and trying to figure out why Keanu Reeves didn't win the Razzie for Johnny Mnemonic. Email him at