The Dark Knight Rises: 5 Reasons Batman MUST Die

2. A Way Out For Nolan

No matter how many times he says no, Nolan really needs to make a statement that adds a real bullet-point to his intention not to return to his Bat-universe that can't be misinterpreted or ignored by the fans and critics who would prefer to see his assertions as misdirection and playfulness. He's infamously tricky in his film-making after all, so maybe he's just playing with us all? Well, he sounds fairly set to me:
"We€™re finished with all we€™re doing with Batman. This is the end of our take on this character... I€™ve got no plans to do anything more, and certainly, no involvement with any Justice League project."
The narrative decision to kill Batman would be the definitive solution, the best way, as well as the most interesting to ensure not only that fans and critics accept his decision, but also to ensure that the studio don't bring in a director who might be able to ape his style and make a Nolan film without him (more of which later). Without appropriate closure, Batman will hang around Nolan's neck like an albatross - just as Harry Potter will with JK Rowling, no matter how many adult books she writes - and he will be doomed to an eternity of journalists asking whether he regrets not making a fourth film, or when he'll be back to make it. Seems like a good enough reason to kill off the character and the series to me. It's hard not to focus on that second sentence above: "...the end of our take on this character..."

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.