The Dark Knight Rises: Joseph Gordon-Levitt Considering Batman Spin-Off?
3rd Rock From The Sun in a starring role doesn't sound like such a terrible idea. Or maybe it does. Ambiguous news ahoy, then, as the actor himself recently announced that he was officially up for a spin-off if Christopher Nolan (or somebody he liked) is involved in the process. When questioned about the future of the franchise by the Hindustan Times, Gordon-Levitt said: "I'm interested." Then, without offering another word on the subject, he ran off to start shooting some more stuff in order to fill his quota of at least four cinematic releases per year. Gordon-Levitt starred as righteous Gotham cop John Blake in The Dark Knight Rises earlier this year, and the speculation as to whether or not he had been positioned to take the reigns from Christian Bale as the raspy-voiced superhero has been spurred by the film's elusive ending. Whether or not movie fans would prefer Gordon-Levitt to put on the Batsuit or find his own identity remains a subject of much debate, but let's hope that nobody is suggesting they build a franchise out of Robin. Nobody wants to see that.