The Dark Knight Rises Spoilers: 12 Biggest Secrets Revealed & Reviewed

1. The Film Is Epic

Though it is by no means flawless - the editing is atypically sloppy, the story gets a little muddled in places, and there are a couple of superfluous characters - The Dark Knight Rises is still a fantastically good film. It may not quite hit the heights of The Dark Knight, whose story is tighter and slightly more entertaining, but the emotional depth adds a whole new dimension and almost all of the new characters are backed by strong performances, particularly from Tom Hardy and Anne Hathaway. And aside from the few editing problems, when the film is good, it is great and there are some astonishingly entertaining sequences, executed with the kind of flair that has made Chris Nolan one of the hottest properties in Hollywood. The film isn't quite as purely entertaining as Avengers Assemble, but it is a far more intelligent film, and the decision to introduce so much emotionally provocative material to balance the destruction is as brave a decision as they come for what still amounts to a comic book movie. And though you may think that this article has now rendered any need to see the film redundant, it is so well made and so engaging that knowledge of the key plot points in no way take away from the admiration you will feel for its execution. It's just that simple. You can read our own review from Shaun Munro here. So what do you think Bat-fans? Did Nolan's story meet your expectations as well as his technical execution? Share your thoughts on The Dark Knight Rises below.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.