The Dark Knight Trilogy: 18 Cool Behind-The-Scenes Details You Didn't Know

3. Nolan Met With Heath Ledger To Discuss Him Playing Batman

The Dark Knight
Warner Bros. Pictures

Before Christian Bale was cast as the first movie Batman of the 21st century, Nolan met with dozens of other potential candidates, and one of those candidates was the man who would one day win an Oscar for playing the Joker: Heath Ledger.

However, in those pre-Batman Begins days, Ledger explained to Nolan that he simply wasn't interested in doing a superhero project.

So, what changed his mind when it came to The Dark Knight?

Well, Ledger saw Batman Begins, and was so impressed with what Nolan managed to accomplish that he called the director to chat about a possible collaboration.

That's right. Nolan didn't go to Ledger - Ledger went to Nolan.


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