The Devastating Truth Of Deadpool 2's Ending

2. The Problem With Cable

Deadpool 2 Cable Rifle

With those rules of time travel in place, here's how the end of Deadpool 2 SHOULD have happened.

1. Deadpool sacrifices himself to convince Russell not to be a bad egg.2. Cable goes back in time and stops Deadpool dying, but Russell still learns the lesson anyway.3. Russell doesn't go on to become evil Firefist, wiping out the future timeline INCLUDING CABLE4. Cable vanishes from the present timeline entirely

The problem with Cable NOT disappearing is that by changing the future timeline and stopping Firefist from murdering his family, Cable also stopped himself from having a reason to travel into the past.

Everything that happens from the moment Russell is no longer headed towards that murder should be entirely different. Hell, who is to even say that in that future, Cable even met his wife? Who is to say he became a mutant enforcement officer (as is hinted)? Who is to say he even ends up with his cybernetic enhancements?

Given that the butterfly effect states that the smallest action can have huge reactions elsewhere in time, the idea of removing one of the most dangerous killer mutants MUST have caused big waves. But it's Cable simply continuing to exist in the present timeline that is most problematic, and unfortunately for him, it might confirm that he actually changes nothing...

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