The Devil All The Time Review: 7 Ups & 3 Downs

2. Mia Wasikowska & Haley Bennett Are Totally Wasted

The Devil All the Time Bill Skarsgard

Given that director Antonio Campos is tasked with juggling around a dozen name actors throughout the movie, it's not terribly surprising that a few end up getting the short shrift.

Even so, it's undeniably disappointing that the enormously talented Mia Wasikowska and Haley Bennett are both largely wasted on small, even throwaway roles which feel more like extended cameos.

Though both actresses play mother characters who must exist in order for the movie's plot to unfold, neither gets much dramatic meat to chew on, which given their well-proven acting chops, feels like a missed opportunity.

Campos is of course beholden to the source material to an extent, but that Wasikowska in particular is basically just a passive part of the scenery here is quite the disappointment.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.