The Disaster Artist: 10 Biggest Book Omissions

3. Tommy Goes Off The Grid

The Disaster Artist James Franco

One of the strangest and most compelling periods of time that Greg Sestero recounts in his book was when he and Tommy Wiseau spent several months apart. (This was some time before The Room began production, mind you.)

Distraught by his lack of success in Hollywood, Wiseau decided to leave for a while. Where exactly he went, Sestero had no idea. He continued to live in Tommy's Los Angeles apartment, but put his own ambitions of being an actor on hold so he could find steady work and keep himself afloat financially.

All the while, he was constantly receiving phone calls and messages from a highly-distressed Wiseau, who refused to disclose where he had gone. One such message Sestero actually thought to be a suicide note, as Wiseau sounded particularly neurotic and his words had a very goodbye-cruel-world-esque vibe about them. In short, it seemed like everything was getting to him on a dangerously deep level and his best friend had no clue where he was.

However, Wiseau did eventually return to Los Angeles, seemingly with newfound motivation, and began working on the script for The Room shortly thereafter.

Wiseau also claims that he did not leave the United States during his journey of self-discovery, but Sestero asserts that the calls he received were coming from a number with a European area code.


A film-loving wrestling fan from west Texas who will live and die by the statement that Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars movie and unironically cherishes the brief moment and time when Deuce & Domino were WWE Tag Team Champions. Hates honey, but loves honey mustard.