The Divergent Series: Allegiant Review - 11 Reasons It Might Be 2016's Worst Film

5. It's Too. Damn. Long.

One of the chief complaints about the original Divergent is that, at 139 minutes, it was far too long considering the material it actually had. Insurgent was thankfully a whole 20 minutes shorter, and Allegiant clocks in at what appears to be a fairly reasonable 121 minutes. However, remember that this is a finale-split, and so it becomes painfully apparent that the material has been stretched thin, as the movie's glacial pace places incidents of actual consequence few and far between, and bogs itself down in overly-verbose dialogues which don't really move the story or characters forward all that much. Thankfully the end credits are over ten minutes long, so you'll actually only be sat there for around 110 minutes, but even so, this feels like a film that could easily have clocked in at around 90, and so we see that the book split was totally unnecessary. We could easily have just had an epic 160-minute final film, though at the same time, sitting down for that sustained amount of time in this world with these characters would be its own brand of torture.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.