The Equalizer 2 Review: 6 Ups & 3 Downs
3. The Pacing Is A Mess

Much like the first film, The Equalizer 2 is sorely in need of another pass in the editing room, because it feels markedly longer than its two-hour run-time would suggest.
There are often long, lumbering dips in intrigue between set-pieces, and though Denzel Washington's sheer magnetic appeal never lets the movie sink below watchable territory, the story would've benefited immensely from a more propulsive rhythm throughout.
If the more relaxed pauses between action were trimmed down and the film clocked in at a more reasonable 105-110 minutes, it'd certainly be far more enticing to give the movie a revisit in the near-future.
Instead, these slower moments are practically begging audience members to start reaching for their phones (on a home viewing, that is).