The Eternals: Everything You Need To Know

11. What Is An Eternal?

Eternals Description
Marvel Comics/Jack Kirby

The history behind the Eternals is long and complex, and one woven into the very fabric of the Marvel Universe. They were spawned thousands of years ago by the Celestials (Gammenon the Gatherer specifically), who were experimenting on the earliest stages of humanity. They were created alongside two other variations: the human, a "species bred with true balance of structure and disposition," and the Deviant; "an ever-changing and destructive failure."

As the name would probably suggest already, the Eternals are an immortal race of beings gifted with ridiculous power, knowledge, and have been an influence on humanity for thousands of years, even going so far as to inspire the Greek Pantheon of Gods with their various exploits.

The main point to take away from all of this, however, is that the group are an offshoot of humanity created by the Celestials, and that they're gifted with powerful abilities, ludicrously long lifespans, and some snazzy Jack Kirby costumes.

Among the most notable Eternals include Sersi - who will apparently be the lead in the new film - Ikaris, and Makkari. There's no word yet on how humanity will feature in the story, but given how deep and rich the history of the Eternals is, Marvel could easily make a film without a single human even appearing.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.