The Fatal Mistake Every Hellboy Movie Made (That Netflix Can Fix)

There's just no time in a movie to give these characters their due. Even The Golden Army, an excellent film on its own terms and one which gave likeable fishman Abe Sapien his own story arc, had no room to delve into the complexities of Abe's angst about his previous (human) life.

Hell, that's not even enough room here to outline why there should be whole episodes of a potential TV show dedicated to spinoff comic heroes like Van Helsing-esque Victorian gothic adventurer Sir Edward Grey, Witchfinder, or pulp 1930s gangbusting crime-fighter Lobster Johnson.

Herman Von Klempt
Dark Horse

So, yes, not every Hellboy or BPRD screen story needs to be about the End of Days. Sometimes it's enough just to go up against a robot-spider-legged Nazi head in a jar and his Frankensteined gorilla henchmen doing some mad science. Maybe Netflix could be the ones to give us that.

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Loves ghost stories, mysteries and giant ape movies