The Fate Of The Furious: 10 Best Moments

5. The Entire New York Sequence

The Fate Of The Furious New York

How crazy was this movie's New York sequence? Cipher tasks Dom with tracking down the Russian defense minister, who is traveling in a motorcade through the city, and retrieving the nuclear football which Cipher plans to use to threaten the world's governments.

Cipher quickly initiates "zombie time" by hacking into hundreds of cars in the vicinity and using them to attack the motorcade, which responds with a hail of machine gun fire before eventually becoming overwhelmed by an avalanche of cars launched from parking structures by Cipher.

That's just the beginning, though: Dom then arrives in full riot gear to fend off bullets and retrieve the nuclear football, and when the team subsequently uses their cars to hook Dom in place, he kicks off an hilarious vehicular tug-of-war, revving to 5000RPM in order to break free and destroy all of his pursuers' cars in the process.

This is a magnificent distillation of everything the Fast and the Furious franchise needs to be, melding a fun, heightened, pulpy tone with outstanding visuals.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.