The Flash: 24 WTF Moments

14. The Justice League Doesn't Exist In This Timeline

The Flash Ezra Miller
Warner Bros.

Another curious wrinkle in this timeline is that the Justice League simply... doesn't exist.

Hilariously, Barry attempts to call Aquaman's (Jason Momoa) father Tom (Temuera Morrison), yet when Tom answers the phone, it's revealed that he never had Arthur - Arthur instead being the name of his pet dog - and his wife, er, sure as hell isn't Nicole Kidman's Atlanna.

Elsewhere Victor Stone (Ray Fisher) hasn't yet become Cyborg, Wonder Woman is nowhere to be seen, Zod is later revealed to have killed Superman when he was a baby freshly dispatched from Krypton, and this universe's Batman (Michael Keaton) retired from crime-fighting after making Gotham an actual nice place to live.

And so, when it comes to fending off Zod and his army, the Barrys are basically up s**t creek without a paddle - for now at least.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.