The Fly: 8 Reasons Why Cronenberg's Body Horror Is The Best Remake Of All Time

1. The 'Help Me' Scene Is Still Heartbreaking

The Fly Remake
20th Century Fox

If one sequence exemplifies the emotional depth of The Fly, it's the 'Help Me' scene.

Midway through the film, when the mutation has really started to take hold, Veronica visits Seth in his lab, where he has been holing himself up in isolation, and is horrified to discover a twisted, repugnant version of her lover.

Looking deformed and cancerous, Seth walks with the help of canes, spews out digestive enzymes and loses his right ear in front of a traumatised Veronica.

Yet when the stricken scientist pitifully pleads "help me, please help me" - a great homage to the original Fly - Ronnie forces back her revulsion and embraces him. It's one of the most moving things you'll ever see.

Reports suggest that some cinemagoers left the theatre in a nauseated state the first time they witnessed this scene. As Cronenberg himself put it, the fact that the sight of a healthy person embracing a sick person was too much for some highlights where we have gone wrong as a society.

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