15 Greatest Character Names In American Film History

4. Euphegenia Doubtfire (Mrs. Doubtfire)

Chris Columbus' "Mrs. Doubtfire" tells the story of an unemployed actor named Daniel Hillard (portrayed by Robin Williams) who is going through a divorce from his wife Miranda (Sally Field). Custody of their children is given to Miranda because of Daniel's unemployment and immature behavior. Daniel finds out that Miranda intends to employ a nanny to aid her in the continued upbringing of their children, and because of his acting talent, Daniel is able to spend time with his children under the disguise of the elderly Scottish nanny Mrs. Euphegenia Doubtfire. Now, Mrs. Doubtfire's name is fictional within the context of a fictional work. But Robin Williams' performance in the role is what makes the film memorable and the film itself is named after the character. I'm not really sure what the name means. I just like the sound of it. Who doesn't?

Aspiring Swedish filmmaker with nerdy interests.