The guy who resurrected BOND twice is wanted for GREEN LANTERN!

Martin Campbell twice resurrected James Bond from franchise killing movies when he made GOLDENEYE and CASINO ROYALE, both times bringing the exact entertainment audiences wanted out of their 007 at a time when the future of the character was looking very bleak indeed. If it wasn't for Campbell, maybe we wouldn't have James Bond movies still being made right now. Now Warner Bros. want him for GREEN LANTERN, replacing Greg Berlanti who was the last director to be attached, though his script he co-wrote with Marc Guggenheim and Michael Green is still expected to be used say Variety. Campbell whose credits also include the two ZORRO movies and VERTICAL LIMIT, has just completed a remake of his own BBC thriller EDGE OF DARKNESS with Mel Gibson and Ray Winstone. You can see why he has been chosen. He makes great character pieces (see his last Bond) which are stylish, grounded in reality (which will do what Nolan did for Batman here) and with top notch quality action. The only thing I would say, is I hope he has a BIGGER VISION for this character, which is something he surely warrants. This is no ordinary superhero character. The movie is now being fast tracked looking for a release in 2011.


Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.