The Hateful Eight: 18 Easter Eggs & References You Need To See

15. The Setting Is An Obvious Homage To The Great Silence & McCabe And Mrs. Miller

One of the greatest ever spaghetti westerns - Sergio Corbucci's The Great Silence - offers a lot of similarities to The Hateful Eight that it's impossible to avoid. It is set in a snow-covered Utah filled with bounty hunters and a host of notoriously shady characters, just as Tarantino's modern redo is. Tarantino has clearly taken a lot of inspiration from Corbucci's western - the entire film seems to be an homage to the white-washed cinematography of Silvano Ippoliti. The Hateful Eight also looks a lot like Robert Altman's masterpiece McCabe And Mrs. Miller - not only in its snowy setting, but in its interiors. The inside of Minnie's Haberdashery is very much like the inn that is the setting for the opening scene of Altman's film.

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