The Hateful Eight: 18 Easter Eggs & References You Need To See

12. Not In The Testicles!

In what is becoming something of a trademark for Tarantino, this is the third film that sees a character gets shot directly in the balls. This time, it happens to Marquis Warren, who gets a particularly nasty sub-perineum shot from below the floorboards. It all started in Pulp Fiction when Zed was parted from his boys after being unveiled as a heinous, rapist pig. Here's a nice, graphic video of him doing it in the most ridiculous detail in Django Unchained... In Inglourious Basterds the shoot-out/stand-off in the bar ends with testicular trauma and death, and there's also a shot in Nation's Pride of a guy getting shot in the crucials. Basically, it seems he doesn't like balls.

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